An alleged firebug in Saskatoon is facing five arson charges in connection with a number of garbage can and dumpster fires around the city.
One fire was set in a garbage can at a gas station on Stonebridge Boulevard last Thursday, police said. Police said the fire was started in a trash can, and according to the Saskatoon Fire Department, the flames spread to multiple pumps and the gas station’s canopy, causing an estimated $40,000 in damage before the fire could be extinguished.
About a half-hour later, another fire was set in a garbage can on Cope Crescent, but police said the blaze didn’t spread beyond the trash bin.
Just 15 minutes after that, a third call came in to police reporting a dumpster fire behind a hardware store on Clarence Avenue South. That fire didn’t spread beyond the bin.
“A short time later, three more trash cans had been set on fire in front of various stores in the same block,” police said in a statement.
“No immediate arrest was made but through further investigation, a suspect was identified. He was also believed to be responsible for a fifth arson incident in the 1000 block of Clarence Avenue South in May of this year.”
Police said they arrested the 33-year-old man after responding to a report of a suspicious person on Saturday morning.
He’s expected to appear in court next month to answer the charges.