8:30– Yesterday Saskatchewan Finance Minister, Donna Harpauer, made an announcement defending the cost of her $8000 charter flight from Regina to North Battleford earlier this March. Her response to reporters was that although the price was high, it was worth the cost because she would not drive when she was exhausted. Lisa Schick, senior reporter at News Talk 980 CJME joins Gormley with more on this story.
LIVE: Lisa Schick, senior reporter, News Talk 980 CJME
9:00– The Hour of the Big Stories… Open Session.
10:00 – According to an impact paper from the Conference Board of Canada, provinces have different mortality rates throughout the country. Lower cancer mortality rates can be seen in western provinces such as Ontario, while provinces such as Quebec and the Atlantic see higher numbers. Chad Leaver, director of the healthcare research team for the Conference Board of Canada joins Gormley to discuss why and how this may be.
LIVE: Chad Leaver, director on the healthcare research team for the Conference Board of Canada.
11:00 – It’s time for Saskatchewan’s Smartest Radio Listener! It’s your chance for fame, acclaim and to prove just how smart you are. Not only do you get bragging rights, you’ll win your exclusive Smartest Radio Listener t-shirt thanks to Little Town Apparel available ONLY to Saskatchewan Smartest Radio Listener winners, PLUS a $50 gift certificate to Crossmount.
12:00 – Saskatchewan has been seeing a ton of crazy weather warnings. From extreme storms to tornados some may wonder what to expect for Saskatchewan weather in the future. Tornado hunter, Greg Johnson joins Gormley with more.
LIVE: Greg Johnson, Tornado Hunter.