Winter isn’t over yet, as the Saskatchewan weather has shown over the past few days.
Despite warmer temperatures, many parts of the province were blanketed in heavy snow that began early Friday morning and lasted through the day.
The significant snowfall has prompted the City of Saskatoon to declare its sixth snow event of the season and activate a 72-hour clean-up effort, which began Friday evening.
City and contractor crews are reportedly grading priority streets to clear driving lanes, starting with streets that see the most traffic, like Circle Drive, expressways, arterials and routes to emergency facilities.
The city says sidewalks they manage and pathways will be cleared within 48 hours. Removal of snow piles on lower priority streets is on hold while the snow event is cleaned up.
With the recent snow, drivers are asked to adjust for winter conditions. Motorists are encouraged to leave extra room for stopping in anticipation of slippery intersections, and caution is urged on sidewalks as well.
Drivers who see blue and amber flashing lights are also asked to keep back and let road equipment finish their pass.
Crews have been working since Friday morning to clear the snow, plowing Circle Drive, grading major streets and sanding roads for traction.