650 CKOM’s Adopt-A-Family is exceeding all kinds of expectations in 2021.
“Donations are about on par with what they were last year,” the Salvation Army’s Judy Regamey said.
“That has been actually up a little bit from the pre-COVID years, so that’s encouraging. I think people are sensing that there are needs that perhaps didn’t exist before and are willing to donate, reach out and help.”
650 CKOM created the program in 1988. With the assistance of the Salvation Army, the program has risen to new heights since the start of the pandemic.
“Last year we were able to raise $350,000,” Regamey said. “That was through our kettles you see out in the malls and in the stores. It was (also) through the online donations that people were able to make their donations that way.”
This year, the number of volunteers appears to be down with more regulars staying away due to COVID-19. However, it hasn’t directly affected the proceeds coming in from the public.
“We’re collecting lots of money, which is great. Saskatoon people are so generous,” Regamey said.
The Salvation Army continued to look at new creative ways to accept donations in 2021. So far, the new ideas have created a massive intake in the numbers.
“We’ve added this new feature, this tip-tap. You just tap on the $5 donation, $10 donation, or the $20 donation, so it has made it very easy and people are responding to that,” said Regamey.
“This year, we’re almost halfway there as far as the money in the kettles go. We’re actually above what we had last year.”
Although it has been a good start, there are still a few crucial weeks left as the organization tries to hit its target goal of $350,000.
The Salvation Army surpassed its $325,000 goal from last year by roughly $25,000. It’s hoping to do the same thing in 2021.
“That will pay for all of the Christmas events that we’re doing,” Regamey said. “Throughout the year, we try to offer different programs for folks in the summertime.”
Regamey says there’s no shame in registering for the program, and more families are starting to come forward.
“Sometimes people think, ‘I don’t want to ask for help. There’s people that need it more than me,’ ” she said. “There’s still those folks that are working hard every day trying to make ends meet.
“Just to give them a little boost at this time of year to me is very gratifying. We know you’re working, we know you’ve got a job, we know you’ve got a paycheque coming in, but maybe for this year, you just need a little extra help.”