Saskatoon Public Schools has finalized its vaccination policy, asking staff to provide vaccination status or begin weekly testing.
On Monday, the board’s administrative council approved the procedure which allows staff to declare if they are fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated or unwilling to disclose their vaccine status until Nov. 15.
If staff members are not fully vaccinated or are unwilling to disclose their vaccination status, they will have to undergo weekly testing beginning Nov. 29.
Saskatchewan School Boards Association president Dr. Shawn Davidson said all school divisions in the province have either finalized or are working on some form of a vaccine policy for its staff.
“We do certainly know there is some opposition to these types of policies around the province, but I think overall they’re being fairly well-received by most,” Davidson said.
Saskatoon public’s policy applies to:
- Permanent, temporary, substitute and casual employees;
- Contractors working in division buildings during school/office hours;
- Parents, caregivers, volunteers, and members of the public who attend school-based activities (e.g., coaching, hot lunches, in-person meetings);
- Trustees;
- Contracted school bus and taxi drivers;
- Post-secondary students fulfilling internships, co-op placements and apprenticeships; and,
- Individuals with external programs in schools (i.e., preschool, daycare, before and after school), guest speakers and presenters.
Davidson said other divisions might not have extensive rules in place like asking contractors or volunteers to be vaccinated, but Saskatoon public’s decision to include them is generating plenty of attention.
“That’s going to look a little bit different in different school divisions. There are certainly boards that are looking at more of those broad-type policies where most folks that come into the school are affected,” he said.
A spokesperson for Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools said details on its vaccine policy are to be released Wednesday.
Davidson wasn’t able to say if school divisions are preparing for any disruptions, work shortages or refusal to take tests as more policies are formed in other areas.
He said students will not be considered for any mandatory vaccine policy. That decision will be left up to parents and caregivers.
“That would actually run up against some of our legislation here,” Davidson said.