Saskatchewan conservation officers recently intercepted a boat contaminated with an aquatic invasive species (AIS) near Moosomin.
The Ministry of Environment said the examination of a boat at a watercraft inspection station Aug. 30 found zebra mussels.
The boat’s owner lives in Alberta and had purchased the boat in Manitoba. The boat was taken to Langenburg for decontamination, and the owner was given a warning of non-compliance for failing to ensure proper decontamination.
Owners who don’t properly decontaminate their watercraft can be fined and have their boats and vehicles seized.
“Our inspectors have examined more than 2,000 boats this year,” Ministry of Environment AIS co-ordinator Jeri Geiger said in a media release. “To protect Saskatchewan’s waters from aquatic invasive species, it’s critically important that you check your boat for zebra mussels and other invasive species.”
AIS are plants, animals and invertebrates that can harm aquatic ecosystems, habitats and infrastructure. The government’s AIS program uses roadside inspections and decontamination to keep the species in check, along with the Clean, Drain, Dry program for boats and the ongoing monitoring of provincial waterbodies.
Jurisdictions that are dealing with AIS may have regulatory requirements for moving boats, and permits may be necessary to take those watercraft from a controlled zone.