8:30 – We’ve seen some surprising polls so far in this federal election, with Erin O’Toole’s Conservatives polling ahead of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, surprising many political watchers who believed Trudeau would coast to a majority government this fall. But with much of the campaign still ahead, is it too early to read into the polling numbers? Political Scientist Prof. Christine de Clercy joins Gormley to discuss the polling trends she’s seeing, and why political watchers should take early polls with a grain of salt.
LIVE: Cristine de Clercy, Associate Professor of political science and co-director of the Leadership and Democracy Laboratory at the University of Western Ontario.
9:00 – Bugsday: The Hour of Rage
10:00 – People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier’s campaign brings him to Saskatchewan today with stops in Moose Jaw, Craik, Kenaston and Saskatoon. Yesterday he had an event in Regina. Bernier joins Gormley to discuss his Saskatchewan stops, the COVID-19 pandemic, his stance on vaccines, the PPC platform, and his goals/expectations for this election.
LIVE: Maxime Bernier, Leader of the People’s Party of Canada.
11:00 – In her recent book ‘The Joy of Sweat: The Strange Science of Perspiration,’ Sarah Everts explores the science, culture, and history of perspiration, debunks common misconceptions about sweat, and takes readers on a world tour of sweat. Everts, a journalism professor at Carleton, joins Gormley to tell us more about that often-unwelcome dampness we all feel.
LIVE: Sarah Everts, professor of journalism at Carleton University, and author of ‘The Joy of Sweat.’
12:00 – On Wednesday a number of people were having issues trying to access their COVID-19 vaccination records through eHealth. There were error messages, long wait times, and hang-ups. Davin Church, VP of Programs and Technology with eHealth Saskatchewan joins Gormley to tell us what they’re doing to fix the issues and to walk us through the process of accessing our COVID-19 vaccine records.
LIVE: Davin Church, VP of Programs and Technology with eHealth Saskatchewan.