In its daily COVID-19 update on Friday, the province said there were 56 new cases in Saskatchewan.
The new cases are located in the following zones: far northwest (eight), far north-central (one), far northeast (11), northwest (two), north-central (two), Saskatoon (13), central-west (four), Regina (two), south-central (two), and southeast (six).
Five cases are without hometown information. Two previously reported cases were assigned to the far northwest zone while another two were assigned to the north-central zone.
An additional two cases tested out of the provinces were added to the Saskatoon zone.
No new deaths were reported Thursday. The total number of COVID-19 deaths remains at 578.
There is a total of 49,940 cases with 48,914 recoveries and 448 cases considered active.
There are 46 people in hospital — 34 are receiving inpatient care in the far northwest (one), northwest (one), north-central (four), Saskatoon (16), Regina (11) and southeast (one).
Twelve people are in intensive care in the north-central (one), Saskatoon (six), and Regina (five) zones.
The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers has risen to 45, or 3.8 new cases per 100,000.
Vaccination update
An additional 5,345 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 1,406,189.
Vaccines were given in the far northwest (119), far north-central (38), far northeast (156), northwest (242), north-central (280), northeast (176), Saskatoon (1,433), central-west (259), central-east (370), Regina (1,037), southwest (165), south-central (322) and southeast (526) zones.
There were 222 doses administered without a known hometown.
Seventy-five per cent of those 12 and older have received their first dose and 63 per cent of those 12 and older are fully vaccinated, according to the provincial daily update.
As of Aug. 8, the Saskatchewan Health Authority is shifting their vaccination focus from mass vaccination to an outreach model, targeting those in the province who are unvaccinated or have just one shot.
Beginning on Aug. 3, the province will no longer provide daily updates on the numbers. It will provide a weekly update. The COVID-19 dashboard will still be updated daily.