Gormley, Monday, November 23, 2020
8:30 – While many people lost their jobs and income during the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of federal employees were put onto paid leave. Not only that, but as many federal workers made the switch to work from home, millions of tax dollars were spent on ipads and fancy furniture to help them cope. Brian Lilley, columnist for the Toronto Sun, says it’s happening again as COVID cases rise across Canada, and he joins Gormley to tell us more.
LIVE: Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun columnist.
9:00 – The Hour of the Big Stories… Open Session
10:00 – A new report says the RCMP has a “toxic” culture that tolerates hateful and harmful attitudes within its ranks. The report, by former SCC Justice Michel Bastarache, says outside help is needed to fix the systemic issues. Brian Sauvé is president of the President of the National Police Federation, representing thousands of RCMP officers across Canada, and he joins Gormley to discus the report and the RCMP’s internal culture.
LIVE: Brian Sauvé, President of the National Police Federation.
11:00 – A Saskatchewan man made his big screen debut in one of the Hallmark Holiday Movies. 21-year-old Sean Savoy, who lives in Abbotsford, has been after a career as an actor for years, and may have got his break after landing a small role in “Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater.” Savoy joins Gormley to discuss the experience. Do you go nuts for Christmas movies every year? Give Gormley a call at 1-877-332-8255 and let him know your favourites.
LIVE: Sean Savoy, Abbotsford actor appearing in Hallmark’s “Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater.”
12:00 – Saskatchewan’s COVID-19 numbers are trending upward, and according to a running poll by Insightrix, our mental health is trending in the opposite direction. Research Director Lang McGilp joins Gormley to discuss the latest weekly poll on Saskatchewan’s mental health.
LIVE: Lang McGilp, Research Director with Insightrix Research Inc.