Gormley, Tuesday, August 18, 2020
8:30 – On Monday we heard more about the province’s back to school plan. Sask. schools will get funding for more staff and they are encouraged to find ways to shrink classes. $40M will be drawn from the previously-announced $200M COVID-19 contingency fund to help cover costs. Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab says it’s important for students to return to school. Dr. Shahab joins Gormley with more on Saskatchewan’s back to school plan.
LIVE: Dr. Saqib Shahab, Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Health Officer.
9:00 – The CFL officially cancelled the 2020 season on Monday after being denied a loan from the federal government. We hear from Roughriders president and CEO Craig Reynolds about what this means for the Roughriders.
LIVE: Craig Reynolds, Roughriders president and CEO.
9:00 – The Hour of the Big Stories… Open Session
11:30 – SaskPower will be rolling our smart meters for all commercial and industrial customers. We hear from Scott McGregor, Media Relations with SaskPower, about the massive upgrade.
LIVE: Scott McGregor, Consultant, Media Relations and Issues Management with SaskPower.
12:00 – Yukon resident Gurdeep Pandher has been spreading joy in the form of dance throughout the pandemic. If you check out his Twitter @GurdeepPandher, his videos are sure to put a smile on your face. His dance is related to the Punjabi or the Sikh. Pandher, who once lived in Saskatchewan (in Saskatoon, North Battleford and Turtleford) joins Gormley to talk about his dancing and why he felt it so important to share.
LIVE: Gurdeep Pandher, Yukon resident dancing for joy.