If you’re looking to beat the heat with air conditioning, you’re not alone.
Brent Badrock is the owner of Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning. He told 650 CKOM on Tuesday business has gone up by around 30 per cent the last couple of months.
“It’s been busy out there with this weather coming up … a lot of A.C. quoting, a lot of service,” he said. “(People are) usually, at the office all day, with air conditioning and then come home at night, which is cooler. Now, with the COVID, everyone’s at home.”
He said people have been supporting local, but there’s been a big focus on maintaining existing services.
“We’re finding a lot of plugged furnace filters that cause air conditioners to freeze up,” Badrock said. “Maintenance is kind of key at this time of year.”
Still, some are going without air conditioners. With the mercury rising up to the 30-degree-plateau this week in Saskatoon, Badrock says there’s no time like the present to get a quote or get something installed.
“There’s a lot of people that still don’t have A.C., so you kind of feel bad for the people that don’t,” he said.