As concern grows over COVID-19, a Saskatchewan union is raising concern about the virus spreading into provincial jails and detention centres.
“Overcrowded facilities housing vulnerable populations are a potential public health risk,” said Meara Conway, president of CUPE Local 1949 in a release. “An outbreak in any of Saskatchewan’s jails could strain nearby health care systems, and threaten the well-being of inmates, staff, and nearby communities.”
The union, which represents 130 lawyers and legal aid staff, is calling on the provincial and federal governments to consider releasing low-risk, non-violent criminals from provincial correctional centres, the Prince Albert penitentiary, the Regional Psychiatric Centre as well as youth centres.
“Individuals meeting this criteria should be released in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission,” Conway said. “We are entering uncharted territory and must respond with proactive measures. In order to protect our communities, reduce the strain on our healthcare system, and ensure the humane treatment of all incarcerated people.”
The union is also asking for individuals on remand awaiting trial be released, except where deemed a risk to the public.