Gummies, chocolates, mints, ready to drink cans……there are more options to choose from when it comes to legalized pot in Canada
As of Tuesday, pot shop owners can now stock their shelves with edibles, extracts and topicals.
Cierra Sieben-Chuback, owner of Living Skies Cannabis in Saskatoon, said it’s an exciting day.
“There’s been a lot of anticipation since we opened up shop before any announcements,” said Sieben-Chuback. “Ever since we opened a year ago I feel like almost everyday a customer has asked us, ‘do you guys have edibles?'”
Sieben-Chuback knows there’s a big learning curve ahead.
“These things are products we’re not really used to,” said Sieben-Chuback. “It’s just going to be interesting to see what people want and how our daily operations change. We’re going to try and have a bit of everything so that people can develop their taste for what they like and take it from there.”
Sieben-Chuback hopes to have edibles in her store before Christmas.