Since 2000, Saskatoon’s Strawberry Ranch has captivated visitors with their section of corn maze. For year 19, they have created a corn-themed maze.
Ben and Ann Epp started farming the berry in 1974 in McCreary, Manitoba. In 1981, they moved to Saskatoon to start the Strawberry Ranch.
Last year, they stopped growing the berry, but still wanted to continue to be active as retirement neared, so the corn maze ended up being their new project.
As they get ready for their 20th anniversary, Ben said the faces that continue to visit grow more recognizable.
“There’s many people who are now coming with the next generation to enjoy it,” he said. “(We) hope to do as well as we can, create a good puzzle for everybody and create a good experience.”
This year’s corn theme didn’t go as well as the Epps originally had planned; they hoped to have sweet corn on hand, but growing conditions weren’t in their favour.
“We were going to celebrate corn, we were hoping for a corn crop, but (it) failed. We decided to continue with the theme, but without sweet corn (for guests),” Ben said.
Despite business being slower since it opened in August, Ben said they don’t believe the late start should have much of an impact moving forward.
“It seems like the maze is more of a cool weather thing. When it’s very hot, it’s extremely warm inside the maze,” he explained. “As long as the rain stays away, we’re hoping to be busy.”
Epp said they’re hoping to be open until Halloween, and — weather permitting — the maze will be operating every weekend until then.