Two Saskatoon boys are facing charges after police received reports of vandalism at a city church.
Witnesses phoned police on Monday around 10 p.m., reporting they’d seen a group of teens in a car shooting some sort of firearm at each other and at the windows of the Fellowship Baptist Church on Taylor Street East.
Officers arrived to find the youths had already left the area. Police also found several of the church’s windows broken and a number of BB-gun pellets at the scene, according to a media release.
Police soon found the suspect vehicle parked at a restaurant on 8th Street East. They went inside, spoke to the boys and reportedly seized what the media release described as an imitation firearm.
Two boys ages 15 and 12 have been charged with mischief. A third boy found at the restaurant, also 15, was not charged.
Police said they are continuing to investigate.