8:30 – Will Nutrien CEO Chuck Magro ever reside in Saskatchewan, where the company’s head office is technically located? We’ve invited him on the show but he’s not taking our calls, so we thought we’d make his life a bit easier by doing his real estate shopping for him. Maybe he’ll call in today when Chuck Magro Watch resumes – we even have a toll-free number to save him the long-distance charges!
9:00 – Bug’s Day: The HOUR OF RAGE!
10:00 – Calgary-based entrepreneur and marketing guru Chris Kneeland is set to deliver the keynote address tonight at the 23rd Annual Raj Manek Memorial Banquet, where he’ll share his experience branding giant companies like Home Depot, John Deer, Mark’s Work Wearhouse. He’ll be sharing some of his success stories and the lessons he learned along the way to help attendees build better businesses. Kneeland joins John now.
LIVE: Chris Kneeland, CEO and Co-Founder of Cult Collective and Communo.
10:15 – Cars are falling out of favour. In 2018 the top two best-selling vehicles were the Ford F-series and the Dodge Ram 1500. Producer Taylor MacPherson (who drives a Honda Civic) argues that for most Canadians a sedan is a better, smarter, more efficient choice than a big truck or an SUV. Are you a “truck person” or a “car person”? What are the reasons behind your preference? Give us a call and let us know!
LIVE: Taylor MacPherson, executive producer.
11:00 – There’s been a lot of progress on self-driving vehicles in recent years and months, and it’s raised a lot of interesting questions about the future of commercial and personal transportation. Barrie Kirk, CEO of the Canadian Automated Vehicles Institute, joins John to talk about the future of autonomous vehicles.
LIVE: Barrie Kirk, CEO of the Canadian Automated Vehicles Institute and Executive Director of CAVCOM.
12:00 – We’ve heard concerns about global overpopulation, but should we be worried about the opposite? In their book “Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline,” published this week, authors John Ibbitson and Darrell Bricker argue that the world’s population will start to decline within three decades, and once the population starts to drop it might be too late to correct. Ibbitson joins John now to talk about the risks of a declining population.
LIVE: John Ibbitson, award-winning journalist and co-author of “Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline.”