8:30 – Robert Shellenberg, a Canadian citizen, has been convicted of drug smuggling in China and sentenced to death. Although he was initially given a 15-year sentence, he was retried and handed the death penalty as political tensions built between Canada and China. Foreign correspondent Matthew Fisher joins the show to discuss the case.
LIVE: Matthew Fisher, long-time foreign correspondent and resident visiting scholar in foreign affairs at Massey College at the University of Toronto.
9:00 – The Hour of the Big Stories… Open Session
10:00 – We’re live from the Crop Production Show in Saskatoon. We’re joined by Lori Cates, manager of agriculture for Prairieland Park, to talk about some of the highlights from this year’s show.
LIVE: Lori Cates, manager of agriculture for Prairieland Park.
10:30 – Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, a Saskatchewan farmer and director with the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association joins the show to talk about some of the latest trends and challenges facing crop producers in the province, as well as some of the global/international trends.
LIVE: Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, farms near Mossbank, director with Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association.
11:00 – Saskatchewan social media personalities Justin Reves and Greg Moore join the show for our regular Tuesday segment to talk about the hottest topics burning up their Facebook and Twitter feeds.
LIVE: Justin Reves and Greg Moore, social media personalities and co-hosts of The Justin and Greg Show.
12:00 – Mid-January is considered one of the most depressing and stressful times of the year, as bills come do and the short days begin to take their toll. Winter can be especially tough for producers, so we’re checking in with Amanda Douglas of the Farm Stress Line to find out what producers can do to help their mental health during the cold months.
LIVE: Amanda Douglas, registered social worker with farm stress line.