With less than a month before the big day arrives, its time to think about setting up the Christmas tree.
There are a couple of ways to make sure you get good bang for your buck if you’re in the market for a real tree this year, said Rick Vanduyvendyk with Dutch Growers in Saskatoon
Vanduyvendyk said one tip when selecting the right tree is comparing by weight.
“One that feels a bit heavier is going to have a few more branches, but may have a little more moisture content in it, because water weighs more,” Duyvendyk said. “When I’m unloading a semi load of Christmas trees I can tell when I’m unloading, which ones are going to be really nice.”
The more it weighs, the longer it’s likely to last.
He also suggests making sure the needles are still pliable.
“Don’t go on a minus -30 C day. They’re all going to snap,” added VanDuyvendyk.