An order to stay off the property was the last thing volunteer firefighters from Rosetown were expecting when they arrived at the scene of a massive barn fire northwest of their community. But that’s exactly what happened.
A hog production barn, northwest of Rosetown, was fully engulfed in flames, with 12,000 pigs inside late last week.
Rosetown fire Chief Dennis Ogg said his crews were shocked as they were turned away by one of the barn’s employees.
“(My crew) were met by one of the management people and they told us to stay on the access road. They wouldn’t let us on the property,” Ogg said.
He added he never got an explanation from the manager, but he later found out the gentleman who asked him to stay off the property did not have the authority to do so.
Richard Vigneault spokesman for Olymel, the company who owns the production barn, said they’re continuing to investigate the situation.
He said they’re still trying to determine why the employee told the fire department not to help fight the blaze.
“I couldn’t tell you why, but I can tell you the one employee was terminated,” Vigneault said.
So far there’s nothing to indicate how the fire started.