A memorial to all those killed by drunk drivers on Saskatchewan roads is a step closer to being built in Saskatoon.
Lou Van de Vorst, who lost his son, daughter-in-law and two young grandchildren to an impaired driver in 2016, spoke Monday morning in favour of the memorial at a meeting of the city’s planning, development and community services committee.
He said he hopes the monument, designed by Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada, will give people a chance to reflect on the choices they make before getting behind the wheel.
“It’s not just to remember our loved ones that we’ve lost, but it’s also a way to educate the public on the importance of planning a safe ride home.”
Van de Vorst said it remains difficult every time he speaks out publicly on the issue of drunk driving.
“It definitely is not the easiest thing that you can do. It brings up all the loss, brings up the hurt, brings up the gap that we have in our family again,” he said.
He said he keeps up his efforts despite the painful memories in the hope fewer families lose loved ones to preventable tragedies.
“Saskatchewan has got the highest incidence of impaired driving deaths and injuries in Canada. That’s an appalling statistic to us,” he said.
The city’s planning committee voted unanimously to recommend council approve the plan to put up the memorial on the north lawn of Saskatoon City Hall.
The issue is expected to go to a full vote at the next session of city council.
Van de Vorst said the process of collecting names to inscribe on the memorial will begin once the project gets final approval.