There is what we do, and then there is who we are.
Today we are the city of Humboldt. We are backing the incredible mayor Rob Muench and encouraging a phenomenal Broncos team president Kevin Garinger.
We stand in support.
We thank EMS workers and those who protect and serve. While we do what’s natural, and try to avoid danger, they go toward it full speed.
They are committed to saving lives of others.
We are people who, in 72 hours, raise over $4-million for those who will need the money in the coming days and weeks. In some cases, a dollar at a time.
My donation pales in comparison to the total amount raised. That doesn’t matter.
We are those who fill up blood donor clinics to capacity, because we want to help. And we aren’t really sure what else to do.
If we stay true to who we are, what we do can be extraordinary.